Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Chapter 6-Modleing, Observing, and Collaboratively Exploring Data

1. Have you modeled a lesson for a teacher? What was the result? If you have not yet modeled a lesson, what are your reservations? Do Tricia's suggestions seem helpful?

2. "Learning how to give direct, specific, nonatributive feedback is a skill that every IC should develop, and one that can be practiced and developed daily until it becomes a habit of thought (Pg. 125)." How have you been practicing this skill in your daily professional and personal lives? Have you found this type of feedback to be effective?"

3. Which one of the strategies for Promoting Dialogue do you find to be most important?

4. Knight states that "the best way around resistance" is to address teachers' core concerns. This will increase the likelihood that teachers welcome us into their classrooms. Do you agree that teachers' five Core Concerns are Appreciation, Affiliation, Autonomy, Status, and Fulfilling Role?