Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Personal Vision

On page 45, Jim Knight talks about writing a Personal Vision. On page 48 of the book Literacy Leadership by Donald A. McAndrew (the book we are studying in Literacy & Learning), he discusses the idea of a Literacy Vision. Both authors believe that putting our thoughts on paper as to to what we aspire, clarifies our purpose and serves as a road map in our professional and/or personal lives (my words, not theirs exactly ).

IF you so choose, write a personal vision for your life, your profession, literacy, education, etc. and share it with us. I have so enjoyed reading your thoughtful responses to the reading. I would love to share with you your vision. AND as brain studies have shown, non-fiction writing engages our brains in ways that nothing else does. Who knows. Perhaps several of those brain cells I destroyed in my wild college days can be replaced!!

1 comment:

Ms. Hill said...

My personal vision/mission statement:

I work to maximize the amount that students LEARN by helping teachers to TEACH. I help teachers to put theory and ideas into practice by providing information, facilitating discussions, organizing resources, and analyzing data. I am a valuable resource for my school: the go-to person when a teacher or administrator has a problem to solve or an idea to implement.